CIM elastomeric coatings have a track record over 30 years long. A major advantage of the CIM high performance coating is that once the surface is properly prepared it can be applied over very rough surfaces in multiple coats and still provide a pinhole free, impermeable barrier that is able to bridge cracks and joints and stop leaks permanently. CIM can be applied using roller, squeegee, or spray pump.
Our line of polyurethane coatings covers many different types of applications in the liquid containment industry. CIM products vary in chemical composition to accommodate different application needs. Our industrial coatings are used in a number of different environments from roofing, to below grade, tank linings, parking decks, chemical containment, corrosion control, and many more.
Our product line consists of CIM 800, CIM 1000, CIM 1000 Trowel Grade, CIM 1061 and CIM 2000. CIM 800 is specifically made for below grade or roofing work. CIM 800 is used for basic waterproofing needs. CIM 1000 is the “original” product from Chevron. It is the work horse of our product line. CIM 1000 is used for many applications from waterproofing to coating wastewater treatment plants and protecting substrates from chemical attach to being abrasion resistant enough for parking decks and loading docks to lining water features (and many more uses)! CIM 1000 Trowel Grade (TG) is a thicker version of the CIM coatings, which is used for repairs and detailing corners, joint sealers, cant strips, and penetrations. CIM 1000 TG and CIM 1061 both have ANSI/NSF 61 approval for potable water as well as USDA approved for incidental food contact. CIM 2000 is 100% solid, fire resistant, ANSI/NSF 61 approved for potable water and gray in color. It is mainly used for secondary containment of hydrocarbons and used in cooling tower basins.
This is just a brief overview of our protective coatings and their usage. We will be giving you more detailed information in future blogs.
C.I.M. Industries Team
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